The best electro-supply items, for both domestic and industrial use. Made in Italy, excellent materials, items always available and delivered within 48 hours of ordering. Lowest prices online!
Perry Gas Detector Wall Perry1ga50916chco Perry-1GA50916-CHCO
Rivelatore Gas Da Parete Perry 1ga 50916/chco Possibilità Di Rilevare Gas Metano Ch4 e Monossido Di Carbonio Co Sensibilità Di Intervento Per Metano Al 10% Del Limite Inferiore Di Esplosività e Per Monossido Carbonio Oltre Max. Concentrazione Ammissibile
Price List
Eur. 261,63
Price MPCshop
Eur. 254,71
2 Pcs Estimated Delivery in 6 working days
All prices are VAT included
Bullet points Perry Perry-1GA50916-CHCO
Detects methane gas and carbon monoxide Catalytic sensor for methane Semiconductor sensor for CO 85dB signal buzzer at 1 m LED indication ON LED failure indication LED gas presence indication (2 separate)
Perry 1ga50916 Chco Wall Mounted Methane And Carbon Monoxide Gas Detector White
methane gas detector carbon monoxide alarm led indication on failure
Customers Reviews Perry Perry-1GA50916-CHCO
Ludovico Data: 23 June 2020 I was looking for a wall gas detector at home and came across the Perry 1GA 50916 CHCO model, what can I say, hard to find a detector of both methane gas and carbomine monoxide together on the market. I saved a lot of money!
wall gas detector Perry 1GA 50916 CHCO Possibility to detect Methane gas CH4 and Carbon Monoxide CO Intervention sensitivity for Methane at 10 el lower explosive limit and for Carbon Monoxide over max. permissible concentration
The CHCO detector has the possibility to detect the presence of two types of gases. One sensor detects the presence of Methane gas CH4, with an intervention sensitivity calibrated at 10 el Lower Explosivity Limit, the other sensor detects the gas Carbon Monoxide (CO), both when the maximum admissible concentration of CO, set at 300ppm, is exceeded, and when, for long periods, low concentrations of CO persist in the environment, but for the principle of accumulation can also damage the human organism.
Bone can operate, through the built-in relays, solenoid valves, sirens and any other signalling device or alarm resolution. A series of technical solutions make this detector extremely versatile, reliable, precise and safe.
The relay, free from voltage, allows to install several detectors on a single solenoid valve ensuring control over several environments at risk. The technical panel of the detector is completed by the special control circuit of the efficiency degree of the sensors with signaling of possible failure, and the external container with IP42 protection degree.
Features Power supply 230V AC 50-60Hz Output 2 potential-free deviation contacts: 5(2)A/250V AC. Methane catalytic sensor Methane trip level 5000ppm 10% LEL Semiconductor sensor for CO Semiconductor sensor for CO Co trip level 30/300 (30ppm after 2 hours - 300ppm immediately) Buzzer signalling 85dB at 1 m LED indication ON LED indication failure indication LED indication gas presence (2 separate) Protection degree IP42 Dimensions (LxWxH) 115 x 50 x 150 mm
Perry methane gas and carbon monoxide wall detector Perry 1GA50916/CHCO
Gas Detector Wall Perry1ga50916chco Perry-1GA50916-CHCO
Rivelatore Gas Da Parete Perry 1ga 50916/chco Possibilità Di Rilevare Gas Metano Ch4 e Monossido Di Carbonio Co Sensibilità Di Intervento Per Metano Al 10% Del Limite Inferiore Di Esplosività e Per Monossido Carbonio Oltre Max. Concentrazione Ammissibile
Price List
Eur. 261,63
Price MPCshop
Eur. 254,71
2 Pcs Estimated Delivery in 6 working days
All prices are VAT included
Bullet points Perry Perry-1GA50916-CHCO
Detects methane gas and carbon monoxide Catalytic sensor for methane Semiconductor sensor for CO 85dB signal buzzer at 1 m LED indication ON LED failure indication LED gas presence indication (2 separate)
Data: 23 giugno 2020 Cercavo per casa un rilevatore gas parete e mi sono imbattuto nel modello Perry 1GA 50916 CHCO, che dire, difficile trovare sul mercato un rilevatore sia di gas metano che di monossido di carbomio insieme. Ho risparmiato un bel pò di soldi!
Rivelatore gas da parete Perry 1GA 50916 CHCO Possibilità di rilevare gas Metano CH4 e Monossido di Carbonio CO Sensibilità di intervento per Metano al 10% del limite inferiore di esplosività e per Monossido Carbonio oltre max. concentrazione ammissibile
Il rilevatore CHCO ha la possibilità di rilevare la presenza di due tipi di gas. Un sensore rileva la presenza di gas Metano CH4, con una sensibilità di intervento tarata al 10% del Limite Inferiore di Esplosività, l’altro sensore rileva il gas Monossido di Carbonio (CO), sia quando viene superata la massima concentrazione di CO ammissibile, impostata a 300ppm, sia quando, per lunghi periodi, persistono nell’ambiente concentrazioni di CO basse, ma che per il principio dell’accumulo possono ugualmente danneggiare l’organismo umano.
Esso può azionare, tramite i relé incorporati, elettrovalvole, sirene ed ogni altro apparecchio di segnalazione o risoluzione di allarme. Una serie di accorgimenti tecnici rende questo rilevatore estremamente versatile, affidabile, preciso e sicuro. Il relé, libero da tensione, permette poi di installare più rilevatori su una sola elettrovalvola garantendo il controllo su più ambienti a rischio. Completano il quadro tecnico del rilevatore lo speciale circuito di controllo del grado di efficienza dei sensori con segnalazione dell'eventuale avaria, ed il contenitore esterno con grado di protezione IP42.
CARATTERISTICHE Alimentazione 230V c.a. 50-60Hz Uscita 2 contatti in deviazione liberi da potenziale: 5(2)A/250Vc.a. Sensore catalitico per metano Livello di intervento metano 5000 ppm 10% LIE Sensore a semiconduttore per CO Livello di intervento CO 30/300 (30ppm dopo 2 ore – 300ppm immediatamente) Buzzer di segnalazione 85dB a 1 m LED indicazione ON LED indicazione avaria LED indicazione presenza gas (2 distinti) Grado di protezione IP42 Dimensioni (LxPxH) 115 x 50 x 150 mm
Perry methane gas and carbon monoxide wall detector Perry 1GA50916/CHCO
Perry-1GA50917MET-P Rilevatore Gas Metano Perry1ga50917metp
Gas Detector Methane Wall And/or Semi-recessed Perry 1ga50917met/p Zefiro Gas Alarm With Alarm Tripping Signal Buzzer 85db At 1 m Led Indication On Failure And Gas Presence Output 1 Contact In Deflection Tripping Level 5000 Ppm 10ie
Perry-1GA50917GPL-P Lpg Gas Detector For Wall Perry
Lpg Gas Detector For Wall And/or Semi-recessed Installation Perry 1ga50917gpl/p Zefiro Gas Alarm With Signal Buzzer 85 Db At 1 Meter Led Indication On, Failure And Gas Presence Output 1 Contact In Travel Level Of Intervention 1860 Ppm 10ie
Perry-1GA50917MET-12 Methane Gas Detector With Solenoid Valve
Kit Rilevatore Gas Metano Da Parete Con Elettrovalvola Na Da 1/2” Gas Alarm Metano Da Parete Perry 1ga 50917met/1.2 Kit Composto Da 1 Rilevatore Perry 1ga 50917met/p e 1 Elettrovalvola Perry-1evev020
Perry-1GA50917GPL-12 Gas Detector With Solenoid Valve Kit
Kit Methane Gas Detector For Wall Mounting With Na 1/2\" Solenoid Valve Gas Alarm Lpg For Wall Mounting Perry 1ga 50917gpl/1.2 Kit Consisting Of 1 Lpg Gas Detector For Wall Mounting And/or Semi-recessed Mounting \"zefiro\" Series Perry 1ga 50917gpl/p And
Perry-1GA50917MET-34 Methane Gas Detector With Solenoid Valve
Kit Rilevatore Gas Metano Da Parete Con Elettrovalvola Na Da 3/4” Gas Alarm Metano Da Parete Perry 1ga 50917met/3.4 Kit Composto Da 1 Rilevatore Perry 1ga 50917met/p e 1 Elettrovalvola Perry-1evev021
Perry-1GA50917GPL-34 Lpg Gas Detector With Solenoid Valve
Kit Rilevatore Gas Metano Da Parete Con Elettrovalvola Na Da 3/4” Gas Alarm Gpl Da Parete Perry 1ga 50917gpl-34 Kit Composto Da 1 Rilevatore Di Gas Gpl Da Parete E/o Semincasso Serie “zefiro” Perry 1ga 50917gpl/3.4 e 1 Elettrovalvola Perry 1ev Ev021
Perry-1GA51917MET-P Gas Detector Perry 1ga51917metp
Gas Detector Methane Wall And/or Semi-recessed Perry 1ga51917met/p Zefiro Gas Alarm With Signal Buzzer 85 Db At 1 Meter Led Indication On, Failure And Gas Presence Level Of Intervention 5000 Ppm 10ie
Perry-1GA51917GPL-P Perry Lpg Gas Detector 1ga51917gplp
Lpg Gas Detector For Wall And/or Semi-recessed Installation Perry 1ga51917gpl/p Zefiro Gas Alarm With 85 Db Signal Buzzer At 1 Metre Led Indication On, Failure And Gas Presence Intervention Level 1860 Ppm 10ie
Perry-1GA47917MET-P Rilevatore Gas Metano Perry1ga47917metp
Perry 1ga 43917met/p Zefiro Wall And/or Semi-recessed Methane Gas Detector With Bus Output Microprocessor With Smoke Selection Program To Prevent False Alarms And Microprocessor With Timer To Signal Revision Recognition Of Remote Sensors
Perry-1GA47917GPL-P Lpg Gas Detector For Wall Perry
Perry 1ga 43917gpl/p Wall And/or Semi-recessed Lpg Gas Detector With Zefiro Series Bus Output Microprocessor With Smoke Selection Programme To Prevent False Alarms And Microprocessor With Timer To Signal Revision Recognition Of Remote Sensors
Perry 1ga 48917met/p Zefiro Gas Detector With Bus Input Microprocessor With Smoke Selection Program To Prevent False Alarms And Microprocessor With Timer To Signal Revision Self-diagnosis Test
Perry-1GA48917GPL-P Perry 1ga48917gplp Lpg Gas Detector
Perry 1ga 48917gpl/p With Zefiro Series Bus Input Microprocessor With Smoke Selection Program To Prevent False Alarms And Microprocessor With Timer To Signal Revision Self-diagnosis Test
Rivelatore gas da parete Perry 1GA 50916/CO per Monossido di Carbonio CO Sensibilità di intervento quando viene superata la massima concentrazione di CO ammissibile, 300 ppm, oppure se persistono per lunghi periodi concentrazioni dannose, 30 ppm per 2 ore
Perry-1GA50917MET-P Rilevatore Gas Metano Perry1ga50917metp
Gas Detector Methane Wall And/or Semi-recessed Perry 1ga50917met/p Zefiro Gas Alarm With Alarm Tripping Signal Buzzer 85db At 1 m Led Indication On Failure And Gas Presence Output 1 Contact In Deflection Tripping Level 5000 Ppm 10ie
Perry-1GA50917GPL-P Lpg Gas Detector For Wall Perry
Lpg Gas Detector For Wall And/or Semi-recessed Installation Perry 1ga50917gpl/p Zefiro Gas Alarm With Signal Buzzer 85 Db At 1 Meter Led Indication On, Failure And Gas Presence Output 1 Contact In Travel Level Of Intervention 1860 Ppm 10ie
Perry-1GA50917MET-12 Methane Gas Detector With Solenoid Valve
Kit Rilevatore Gas Metano Da Parete Con Elettrovalvola Na Da 1/2” Gas Alarm Metano Da Parete Perry 1ga 50917met/1.2 Kit Composto Da 1 Rilevatore Perry 1ga 50917met/p e 1 Elettrovalvola Perry-1evev020
Perry-1GA50917GPL-12 Gas Detector With Solenoid Valve Kit
Kit Methane Gas Detector For Wall Mounting With Na 1/2\" Solenoid Valve Gas Alarm Lpg For Wall Mounting Perry 1ga 50917gpl/1.2 Kit Consisting Of 1 Lpg Gas Detector For Wall Mounting And/or Semi-recessed Mounting \"zefiro\" Series Perry 1ga 50917gpl/p And
Perry-1GA50917MET-34 Methane Gas Detector With Solenoid Valve
Kit Rilevatore Gas Metano Da Parete Con Elettrovalvola Na Da 3/4” Gas Alarm Metano Da Parete Perry 1ga 50917met/3.4 Kit Composto Da 1 Rilevatore Perry 1ga 50917met/p e 1 Elettrovalvola Perry-1evev021
Perry-1GA50917GPL-34 Lpg Gas Detector With Solenoid Valve
Kit Rilevatore Gas Metano Da Parete Con Elettrovalvola Na Da 3/4” Gas Alarm Gpl Da Parete Perry 1ga 50917gpl-34 Kit Composto Da 1 Rilevatore Di Gas Gpl Da Parete E/o Semincasso Serie “zefiro” Perry 1ga 50917gpl/3.4 e 1 Elettrovalvola Perry 1ev Ev021
Perry-1GA51917MET-P Gas Detector Perry 1ga51917metp
Gas Detector Methane Wall And/or Semi-recessed Perry 1ga51917met/p Zefiro Gas Alarm With Signal Buzzer 85 Db At 1 Meter Led Indication On, Failure And Gas Presence Level Of Intervention 5000 Ppm 10ie
Perry-1GA51917GPL-P Perry Lpg Gas Detector 1ga51917gplp
Lpg Gas Detector For Wall And/or Semi-recessed Installation Perry 1ga51917gpl/p Zefiro Gas Alarm With 85 Db Signal Buzzer At 1 Metre Led Indication On, Failure And Gas Presence Intervention Level 1860 Ppm 10ie
Perry-1GA47917MET-P Rilevatore Gas Metano Perry1ga47917metp
Perry 1ga 43917met/p Zefiro Wall And/or Semi-recessed Methane Gas Detector With Bus Output Microprocessor With Smoke Selection Program To Prevent False Alarms And Microprocessor With Timer To Signal Revision Recognition Of Remote Sensors
Perry-1GA47917GPL-P Lpg Gas Detector For Wall Perry
Perry 1ga 43917gpl/p Wall And/or Semi-recessed Lpg Gas Detector With Zefiro Series Bus Output Microprocessor With Smoke Selection Programme To Prevent False Alarms And Microprocessor With Timer To Signal Revision Recognition Of Remote Sensors
Perry 1ga 48917met/p Zefiro Gas Detector With Bus Input Microprocessor With Smoke Selection Program To Prevent False Alarms And Microprocessor With Timer To Signal Revision Self-diagnosis Test
Perry-1GA48917GPL-P Perry 1ga48917gplp Lpg Gas Detector
Perry 1ga 48917gpl/p With Zefiro Series Bus Input Microprocessor With Smoke Selection Program To Prevent False Alarms And Microprocessor With Timer To Signal Revision Self-diagnosis Test
Rivelatore gas da parete Perry 1GA 50916/CO per Monossido di Carbonio CO Sensibilità di intervento quando viene superata la massima concentrazione di CO ammissibile, 300 ppm, oppure se persistono per lunghi periodi concentrazioni dannose, 30 ppm per 2 ore
Perry-1GA50916-CHCOPerry Gas Detector Wall Perry1ga50916chco Rivelatore Gas Da Parete Perry 1ga 50916/chco Possibilità Di Rilevare Gas Metano Ch4 e Monossido Di Carbonio Co Sensibilità Di Intervento Per Metano Al 10% Del Limite Inferiore Di Esplosività e Per Monossido Carbonio Oltre Max. Concentrazione Ammissibile white
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